To buy or not to buy a Forex system: digging deeper into the logic.

Return to Forex scams

I’m now sitting and thinking yet again about Forex systems that are out there for sale. Just saw another SCAM website the goal of which is to BLAME SCAMMERS (their colleagues, actually ;) for selling Forex trading systems that don’t perform as claimed!
In case you don’t know, scammers are skillful sales people. They will warn you about dangers and scam offers around, but themselves will try you to sell yet another scam product…

Huuhhh. A bit of philosophy will follow. So, if you don’t like it, you may leave the class.

The topic is: “TO BUY OR NOT TO BUY A FOREX SYSTEM: Digging deeper into the logic”.

Here is the logic as I see: Why would you sell a trading system that makes thousands or even millions in the Forex market?
No, really, why? May be my students know the answer?

Sellers of Forex trading systems will tell you various stories from the “love to help other traders” to some nonsense. The closest answer I’ve met and which can be believed in is that a Seller himself is a trader, and in his trading he has ups and downs. Thus he decides to share the system in order to cover for those periods where he is less profitable or even unprofitable. Alright. Do you accept it? Sounds fair. At least he acknowledges that he is not a wizard and can lose a trade or two.

Yes. It is a pretty fair answer. But we are not finished yet.
Think now: He sells you his system — you hope to make money… consistently… for a living… become a millionaire — you finish it… I’m asking you, where is the LOGIC?
A seller himself cannot make profits that would suit him, so he tries to sell his system to cover up for the losing months, and YOU, using the same system want to profit more???

A Holy Grail System will never be sold. It is a machine for making money, which doesn’t need a cover-up from other income sources!

After trying and failing with the best systems they have bought, many Forex traders become more aware of new Forex products that come into the market almost every week now. But until there is a demand for such get-rich-quick scams the scammers’ business will boom and blossom.

** Forex Dark Lord **